Buffer Cache Simulation

A simple buffer cache implementation for simulation of getblk and brelse algorithms.


In this implementation, the main program act as kernel and manipulates the buffer cache, while user input acts as coming and going processes. User controls which block to get and release. User can also manipulate buffer status. This gives us complete control over the simulation. Also we can view the buffer cache, freelist, buffer list, and sleeping processes at all times.

This is a single-process synchronous program, so there is no added complexity of managing threads.

How to Run

  • Compile using make
  • Then you can simply run the executable ./bufcache
  • Alternatively, use make run

How to test

  • Run tests and see scenarios by executing test script ./test.sh
  • Alternatively, use make test
  • In the logs folder, you can find the testlogs.

Problem Statement

Buffer cache simulation. The idea was to simulate getblk and brelse algorithms that handle the allocation and release of buffers to processes. The key requirement was to be able to visualize all 5 scenarios of getblk and clearly identify the working of getblk in all of those scenarios.

Suggested Solution

We want a simulation slow enough to analyse the working details of getblk. Several implementations are possible. Let us glance over them.


Threads over processes because all of the children (processes) need to work on the same data structure instance (buffer cache).

Because threads can easily run into race conditions when writing to the data structure, locks need to be implemented.

Once threads and locks are in place we can think about getblk implementation.

We now need to show all 5 cases of getblk so we need to control how different threads are scheduled. For this we need a scheduler. Either we can implement our own (which is overkill for just a simulation), or choose the system scheduler, and forcing it to choose certain process by sleeping others.

This results in an intricate mechanism of all the threads working with system scheduler. We have little control over the actual buffers and their status. If we want to manipulate some buffers to test something, we will need to spin up another thread at runtime to handle the buffer status.

Preliminary tests show unreliability in threads and their execution order because we cannot exactly predict how the system scheduler will schedule them.

client server architecture

Server acts as kernel, and only server manipulates the buffer cache directly.

Clients (processes) can ask server (kernel) to allocate them a buffer (getblk) and inform them when they relinquish the buffer, so kernel can release the buffer (brelse).

Server controls how these client requests are scheduled. The actual buffer cache implementation will reside with the server. Because, server (kernel) needs to be able to accept requests from multiple clients (processses), it’ll spin up a new handler process for each new client.

This brings us back to our original problem. Now these multiple processes need to communicate and somehow share the memory region for manipulating buffer cache. Implementation complexity will be no better than the previous threads approach.

User driven simulation

Let the main program act as kernel and manipulate the buffer cache, while user input acts as coming and going processes. User controls which block to get and release. User can also manipulate buffer status.

This gives us complete control over the simulation. Also we can view the buffer cache, freelist, buffer list, and sleeping processes at all times.

Because this will be a single-process synchronous program, there is no added complexity of managing threads. We can focus on getblk and buffer cache.

This is the chosen approach for this project.

Programming Language Used

C is the chosen language. Because we are implementing buffer cache, which is a lower level algorithm, it needs to be fast and C provides the fastest system calls. Also the fact that actual unix system is written in C made it an easy choice.

AOS Concepts Implemented

The chosen implementation type is kept simple. So it does not use any complex constructs of AOS.

  1. Forks/Threads - not required
  2. Locking unlocking mechanism - not required
  3. Signals - not required

Getblk cases Handled

All 5 cases of getblk have been handled.

How the request for a block is being captured

User input determines which block to get and release

Delayed write

User manually sets a block status to delayed write. Then when the getblk algorithm sees this delayed write marked buffer, it starts a dummy async write to disk, and moves on the next free list buffer.

Supported Commands

Directly from the help section of the program.


	Display the status of all the buffers.
	Display all the Hash Queues.
	Display free list
	Display waiting Queue
	To exit the simulation

getblk <blockNumber>

	Take the blockNumber from the user, execute getblk(n)

brelse <blockNumber>

	Take the blockNumber from the user, execute brelse() 

set <blockNumber> <statusCode> 

	Set the status of the buffer to status code

	B : Buffer Busy
	V : Buffer Data is Valid
	D : Buffer is marked delayed write
	K : Kernet is reading/writing buffer to disk
	W : Buffer is awaited by some other process
	O : Buffer Data is OLD

reset <blockNumber> <statusCode> 

	Reset the status of the buffer to status code

	B : Buffer Busy
	V : Buffer Data is Valid
	D : Buffer is marked delayed write
	K : Kernet is reading/writing buffer to disk
	W : Buffer is awaited by some other process
	O : Buffer Data is OLD